GamerNation Con is next up on my look at the past few weeks of conventions in reverse order. Hosted by d20Radio and the creators of the Order 66 podcast, GN Con is up to its 6th year, which is pretty amazing and continues to draw people from around the world - Australia, Norway, Canada, the US, and probably others I’m overlooking at the moment. At least one or more of the regulars skipped it due to Star Wars Celebration the following week, which from a health standpoint probably would have been a good idea for me as well…
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Star Wars Wednesday - Beyond a Name
At GN Con, someone asked me a question about a creature I used in Star Wars Edge of the Empire Beyond the Rim. It took me off guard, so I've gone back to look at it, and here's the follow up on the answer...
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Thanks to deadlines, work travel, and more, I've been remiss in posting these past few weeks. This lasted right up until last week when I was on my way to GamerNation Con 5, The Order of the Gamers (with a Harry Potter theme). I was the Guest of Honor this year, and it was a great time. Lots of Star Wars RPGs were played, and much more.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Midwest GameFest and GNCon 5
Local cons are always fun.
Read MoreGamerNation Con 5: Order of the Gamers Guest of Honor
That was quick. d20 Radio and the Order 66 podcast announced their Kickstarter for GNcon 5: Order of the Gamers today, and I'm the Guest of Honor. The Kickstarter has already funded.
GNCon runs April 5-8, 2018 at Dallas Games Marathon in Plano, Texas.
GNCon is a small game convention, but draws attendees from d20 Radio's fans around the world. I'll be doing a panel and running some games. Space is limited at the con, so backing the Kickstarter is a must for attendees. More information is on the kickstarter site.
Star Wars Wednesday - Rebels and Rogues
Rebels and Rogues...I feel like that would make a good title for something beyond a blog post. In any case, this week includes a few thoughts about how Rogue One and Rebels reveals details about the state of the Rebel Alliance, and how that might impact RPG sessions. Then I'll switch gears and note a few things about the rapidly approaching 2017 convention season.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - GamerNation Con 2016
This past weekend brought GamerNation Con 2016, hosted in Dallas, Texas by d20 radio and the Order66 podcast. I had a good time last year and found a way to get a bit of time to return this year. The con is relatively small, but has a very dedicated Star Wars RPG fan base, and it hosts a wide variety of board games, RPGs, and...lip sync battle. GamerNation clearly extends well beyond the US and some attendees come from around the world - Germany, Australia, Scotland, Canada, Norway, and probably others I'm overlooking at the moment. It was fun to see those who returned from last year, plus those who I've met elsewhere, like GenCon or Star Wars Celebration. The guests of honor were Rodney Thompson (formerly of Wizards of the Coast, Star Wars Saga Edition and D&D 5e fame, now with Bungie working on Destiny) and Christopher West (Maps of Mastery).
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Nexus GamerNation Con
There is a lot going on this week. I just finished watching the season finale of Rebels, so I will not be talking about that today. I mean, Rebels Recon has an even been posted yet. Suffice to say that you probably don't want to put off watching this one. Nexus of Power arrived so I will be talking a bit about that. I'll be putting it to good use this weekend at GamerNation Con, run by d20 Radio and the Order 66 podcast. And, just because I don't have enough to do between work and the convention and getting ready for the convention, I'll be making an appearance on a new (for me) podcast. I don't think they record it with a live audience, so I will post the link when it's available.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - GamerNation Con 2015

Star Wars Wednesday - A Week of Announcements