I made an appearance on the Order 66 podcast this week. I also have a few comments about a reprint, and a Genesys RPG release is getting close….
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Star Wars Wednesday - Beyond a Name
At GN Con, someone asked me a question about a creature I used in Star Wars Edge of the Empire Beyond the Rim. It took me off guard, so I've gone back to look at it, and here's the follow up on the answer...
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Things to Watch During the Last Wait...
There's only one thing to talk about this week, and it's The Last Jedi....which of course won't release until Thursday evening. I'm still avoiding spoilers reasonably successfully, so here are a couple of other recent Star Wars things to watch while you're waiting...one with the cast of Rebels.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Various Updates
So, with a week to go before The Last Jedi release, I'm still largely in spoiler avoidance mode. I've done a pretty decent job avoiding the rumor mill. The only Journey to the Last Jedi books I've read it are a couple of out of order issues of the Captain Phasma comic. Out of order because there's been a couple of hiccups in my recent comic book store deliveries.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Midwest GameFest 2017
Another fun and successful Midwest GameFest weekend is complete.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday Gen Con Prep and More
Gen Con is next week, so of course I'm not ready yet...like everyone else going to Gen Con.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Kantcon 2017
Last weekend was Kantcon, a small but busy gaming convention in the KC area. I rolled out a new con Star Wars adventure. This time I also left enough time to actually play some games as well, as opposed to running the majority of the time.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - 30 Years of Star Wars RPGs & Gen Con
This week, Gen Con's event list went live for as a preview for preparing for event registration, which starts this weekend. For the first time, I'm organizing an event rather than just being part of someone else's. Of course it's Star Wars.
Read More30 Years of Star Wars Roleplaying Games at Gen Con
With Gen Con 50's advance event schedule going live and wish lists available, I'm happy to announce the "30 Years of Star Wars Roleplaying Games" event, with myself, Sam Stewart of Fantasy Flight Games, and Bill Slavicsek formerly of West End Games and Wizards of the Coast.
Fantasy Flight Games is generously sponsoring the event. It is part retrospective, part panel discussion about 30 years worth of roleplaying in a galaxy far, far away across multiple companies and game systems, featuring some of the designers involved.
Join us at GenCon on Saturday 8/19/17 in Westin Capitol III at 5:00pm (Gen Con Game ID SEM17112485).
Things are still developing, so click here for the latest updates.
Special Modifications Nominated for 2017 Origins Award
Star Wars Edge of the Empire Special Modifications, a sourcebook for Technicians, is nominated for a 2017 Origins Award in the RPG category. I was one of the writers. It's an honor to be considered in what is a highly competitive category with a lot of great RPG products. The Star Wars The Force Awakens RPG Beginner Game is also nominated in the same category.
Star Wars Wednesday - Fully Nominated
A new book and award nomination announcements this week, plus a great Rebels episode.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - X-Winging It
I've been getting back into playing X-Wing Miniatures regularly of late. Along with Rogue One (maybe because of it), has me looking at all thing X-Wing related, and not just the minis game.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Rogue WEG
Something has become clear in the weeks since the Rogue One release: it provided a major opportunity for a great intersection of new work and old surrounding the classic trilogy (and beyond). It has inspired official, unofficial, and fan material from books to art to games. Not coincidentally, there are obvious and not-so obvious connections to West End Games Star Wars RPG.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - More Rogue One
Rogue One continues to draw, and I'm hearing quite a few positive comments from some I wasn't sure would be into the movie. Because of my association with Star Wars, a lot of people want to get my opinion, share their opinion, or both. At first, most didn't want to hear too much, but wanted to know basically if it was good. After they saw it, then the comments and questions really started rolling. No one has said they dislike it, and a few have called it their favorite (for now).
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Catching Up
I think the past few weeks set some sort of record for me for busyness between work deadlines, freelance deadlines, conventions, and everything else. Things have eased up a little bit. I was catching up on various Star Wars novels and other releases, much like catching up here. I still have a decent stack for the holidays, and that doesn't include whatever's piled up at the comic book store. At least binge reading the comics makes a certain degree of sense, as I continue to get the single issues for the time being. I really ought to switch to trades for a few of the lines. So, continuing with the catching up theme...
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - MidAmeriCon II Worldcon 74
It's not every year that the world's most prestigious literary science fiction convention comes to town, so Worldcon was definitely not an event to miss. Then I found out there was a gaming area, so I knew I had to try and participate. Then they announced they were having a Star Wars Day, and I definitely wanted to be involved in some capacity. I went in for pretty much the full Worldcon experience, buying a membership early on and getting in on the Hugo award voting process.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Gen Con 2016

Last week brought another successful Gen Con, with around 60,000 gamers packing the convention center and surrounding hotels in downtown Indianapolis. The dealer hall expanded yet again, and the show extended all the way into Lucas Oil Stadium. Despite some early concerns, I got through without straining an Achilles tendon, though I did cut down on the walking some. Fantasy Flight Games that several major Star Wars boardgame and card game announcements. My product Age of Rebellion Forged in Battle was released at the show, and should be available in stores soon if not already.
Read MoreMidAmeriCon II / Worldcon 74 - Panel & Games
This year, the 74th annual World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) is being held in Kansas City as MidAmeriCon II, August 17-21, 2016. Among the events, such as the noted Hugo awards, is Star Wars Day. The original MidAmeriCon hosted Worldcon in 1976, and featured a promotional panel of an upcoming sci-fi movie called Star Wars. Mark Hamill, Charles Lippincott and producer Gary Kurtz attended. This year's convention is welcoming back Lippincott and Kurtz for a return visit, along with novelist Alan Dean Foster.
There will be a number of other events for Star Wars Day. I will be part of the Star Wars Tie In panel, discussing novels, games, and other elements beyond the movies. Stephen Saffel (past Del Rey editorial director for the Essential Guides, etc.) will be the moderator, and the other panelists are Kevin J Anderson (Jedi Academy Trilogy, etc.), Rebecca Moesta (Young Jedi Knights series), and William Dietz (Dark Forces trilogy).
I will also be running Star Wars RPG games and demos. The demos will feature the just-released Star Wars the Force Awakens Beginner Game RPG. The full 4-hour games will feature the main RPG lines. I am also running one session of Dungeons & Dragons (5e).
Sign up for games ahead of time on Warhorn. My events are not yet listed, but hopefully will appear soon. My games are listed on my full schedule (link above).
Star Wars Wednesday - Force Focus
Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars RPGs each focus on different aspects of the Star Wars universe. Now that all three are released - Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny - and can be used together, it's perhaps easier to lose what makes each game unique. Here are some suggestions to keep various themes alive during game play.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - The RPG Awakens
So, I finally get a post completed before Wednesday, and as punishment, it turns out that FFG announces a new beginner game last week. This week they made up for it by announcing one of my new products today, but I imagine whatever starwars.com is starting up tomorrow may make me wish I waited. At least there should be something lined up for next week.
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