Monday was the increasingly popular Star Wars day, or May the Fourth Be with You. I tend to think a day later in May is more suitable, but a terrible pun is amusing and memorable, so most seem to be running with it. Sometimes, it seems like everyone is trying to get in on the action - a point made on Monday's @midnight show on Comedy Central. Lots of deals and a few really good announcements. And Celebration news and stories keep surfacing, especially now that more videos are hitting the internet.
Star Wars Celebration Anaheim was fantastic. It certainly had a seemingly never-ending stream of announcements and news, starting off with a bang with the new Star Wars Episode VII trailer. It's as big or a bigger hit around the world as it was at the show. But, Celebration had far more than that. For starters, it sold out 4 day tickets, Saturday, and Sunday tickets.
On the way to Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. The is an extremely early flight, following a too short night brought about by too many deadlines and other work compressed by said deadlines. I'm ready to be done with that for awhile. On the plus side, no line at security. This looks to be written in at least two airports and an airplane. Ten minutes to boarding. Time enough to pass along a couple of fun things I hinted at last week that I get to be part of at Celebration.
I'm very excited that I get to be part of Fantasy Flight Games seminar/panel, suitably named Star Wars with Fantasy Flight Games. It will be on Friday, at 1:30 at the Fan Stage. Fellow panelists will be Steve Horvath (FFG SVP of Marketing and Communications), Steve Kimball (FFG Board Game Manager), and artist Jake Murray.
Another week another...two deadlines. Let's just say I've been staring a few Revit* models for most of the last week, and I've seen a few too many moon rises at the office. Could be wasn't sun rises. With a few other things happening lately, I'll be glad to spend a few days at Star Wars Celebration next week.
OK, more of the same this week. Very busy. Looking forward to Celebration. Picked up Armada, have had NO chance to actually play yet. Too busy to even do an April Fools bit this year, but then there is this....
It's Wendesday, isn't it? Sorry, too many deadlines for the moment, but here's a great Star Wars TIE Fighter short movie in an '80s anime style that appeared this week. A shorter version was released quite awhile back. There are perhaps a few too many x-ray eyeball shots, but it's very well done, and fans of the TIE Fighter PC game should recognize quite a few things from the game.
Sorry about yet another short hiatus. Travel, deadlines, cons, work...more or less the usual culprits. Last week was KC Game Fair, which I while I did get out some news about what I'd be running, I didn't get it posted here. Unlike past years, I had very little to do with convention planning this time, but I did sign up to run games almost every slot. Just one of those years I didn't want to leave anything out.