I will be a guest at Midwest GameFest later this week in Independence (Kansas City), MO. I’ll drop by Thursday evening, but will be running games on Friday evening (Twilight Imperium Embers of the Imperium / Genesys), Saturday evening (Star Wars), and Sunday morning (Paranoia). Saturday’s game is currently full, but you never know if everyone will show up. Plenty of other events as well from RPGS to table top to seminars and more of the usual convention offerings.
Midwest GameFest This Week
Midwest GameFest is this week, November 12-15. It is online, as so many others have been forced to do this year. I’m running a game each day, usually in the evening. Most of the events I have run at previous cons or online cons this year. You can find the full convention information here. The event schedule is here.
Here are my events:
Thursday: Savage Worlds The Last Parsec: Pranac Pursuit
Friday: Star Wars: Edge/Age: The Sandcrawler Gambit
Saturday: Genesys: Android Shadows of the Beanstalk: The Solar Storm
Sunday: Paranoia: Perfectly Safe
Star Wars Wednesday - Preview and....post view?
It’s November, which always brings a convention and often an end of the year project or two, and this year is no exception. There usually seems to be one or more previews of upcoming or soon to be released works, and that too is on schedule.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Ghosts of Star Wars Past

So, the title mixes the holidays a bit. and this being Halloween, there should be some sort of spookiness going on around here. Except I’ve already used my semi-decent Star Wars Halloween stories long ago, and don’t have anything new… But there are a couple of other things, and I’ve really missed too many weeks in a row…
Read MoreGuest at Midwest GameFest This Weekend
I’ll be one of the special guests at Midwest GameFest this weekend November 1st thru the 4th in Independence, MO (Kansas City metro area). I’ll be running Star Wars RPGs, as well as a little Savage Worlds Flash Gordon, Numenera, and the latest version of Paranoia. I’m also hosting seminars on writing RPGs and cartography. Preregistration event sign up has passed, but there are still plenty of space available to sign up on site. Click here for events and schedules.
Star Wars Wednesday - Midwest GameFest 2017
Another fun and successful Midwest GameFest weekend is complete.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Midwest GameFest and GNCon 5
Local cons are always fun.
Read MoreMidwest GameFest Guest, Nov 2-5
I'll be a Guest again this year at Midwest GameFest, returning to the Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center in Independence, MO (Kansas City, MO metro) November 2-5. I'll running a couple of different Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG adventures, Numenera, and even the new edition of Paranoia. I'll also be doing a solo version of the 30 Years of Star Wars RPGs panel from Gen Con 50.
Special Guest Rick Loomis, founder of Flying Buffalo Games, will be running Nuclear War tournaments and other events. There will be D&D Adventurers League, Legend of the 5 Rings Heroes of Rokugan, Pathfinder Society, Shadowrun Missions, and more RPGs, a huge board game library, cosplay, the Artemis Bridge Simulator and more. For the first time, there is even a way to participate in the con online, for free.
Midwest Gamefest this Weekend
I'm attending Midwest Gamefest this weekend as a Guest of Honor. I have a panel on Friday afternoon. I'll be running Star Wars RPG, Savage Worlds: The Last Parsec, and Numenera games.
Midwest GameFest November 10-13, 2016, Independence MO (Kansas City area)
Star Wars Wednesday - Reading and Listening
One thing about missing weeks on the blog, there's now so much new Star Wars being released, it's easy to get behind. Not that I try and talk about everything that is released, obviously, but often like to hit the highlights. With the new season of Rebels up and running, new books and new comics recently announced, I look at the growing stack of books on the shelf and think I've got to find some time somewhere to fit some more reading in.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - A Big Map Game
Star Wars Wednesday - Bases and Cons

Star Wars Wednesday - Game On
Star Wars Wednesday - Using Maps
Maps are great tools for RPGs, both in play and as sources of inspiration. Following on from last week's Maps of Mastery Stats post, here are a few ways to use those maps in RPGs. As it happens, Fantasy Flight Games posted a new preview of Star Wars Age of Rebellion Strongholds of Resistance, highlighting Rebel bases in the book. I had a great time with that section.
Deck plans and bases are among the more common map types in Star Wars games, so both make good starting points for map based adventures or encounters. Maps can be great sources of inspiration.
Midwest GameFest 2015
I'll be a guest at the new Midwest GameFest in November in Overland Park, KS (Kansas City metro area). I'll be running games, of course. My schedule is yet to be determined, but it will include Star Wars RPGs, The Last Parsec (Savage Worlds), and likely a couple of others depending on a few other factors, mostly time. D&D and Numenera are high on the list.
There is an ongoing kickstarter with a few days left for those interested in getting a bit of a deal on pricing and swag. There are still stretch goals to meet.