Wizards of the Coast is giving away free content over at dungeonsanddragons.com, and my D&D Adventurers League adventure DDEX1-07 Drums in the Marsh is available (via DMs Guild) for free until April 21. You can get it and a lot of other free material, some of which is direct download from the website, and others link to DMs Guild products. Get them while you can.
adventurers league
Star Wars Wednesday - Preview and....post view?
It’s November, which always brings a convention and often an end of the year project or two, and this year is no exception. There usually seems to be one or more previews of upcoming or soon to be released works, and that too is on schedule.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - MidAmeriCon II Worldcon 74
It's not every year that the world's most prestigious literary science fiction convention comes to town, so Worldcon was definitely not an event to miss. Then I found out there was a gaming area, so I knew I had to try and participate. Then they announced they were having a Star Wars Day, and I definitely wanted to be involved in some capacity. I went in for pretty much the full Worldcon experience, buying a membership early on and getting in on the Hugo award voting process.
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Game On
Star Wars Wednesday - KCGF 2014
Tyranny of Dragons - Drums in the Marsh
This past week, Wizards of the Coast announced the Tyranny of Dragons adventure lineup for the all-new Adventurers League. The Adventurers League is D&D's new organized play for conventions, stores, and more.
There are different types of adventures depending on venue and targeted play style/purpose. There are Epics (kickoff events at major conventions), Encounters (core storyline, in-store), and Expeditions (convention premier, then stores and other conventions).
My part in this series is the D&D Expeditions adventure DDEX1-7 Drums in the Marsh, set to debut at Archon in St. Louis, MO in October, then open for wider distribution after that, assuming I've understood the plan.
Here's the official listing: