It’s November, which always brings a convention and often an end of the year project or two, and this year is no exception. There usually seems to be one or more previews of upcoming or soon to be released works, and that too is on schedule.
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Star Wars Wednesday - A New Title and More
Star Wars Episode VIII officially has the title of The Last Jedi, and an ominous red logo. The last red logo was for Revenge of the Sith. Interestingly, the new movie's title was buried in the opening crawl of the previous episode, so I imagine the episode 8 crawl will be scrutinized closely. Quite a bit going on this week...
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Games and West End
An almost all games edition today, with a variety of game items, including the unexpected return of a certain well known RPG company name...
Read MoreStar Wars Wednesday - Voices and Games
Midwest GameFest 2015
I'll be a guest at the new Midwest GameFest in November in Overland Park, KS (Kansas City metro area). I'll be running games, of course. My schedule is yet to be determined, but it will include Star Wars RPGs, The Last Parsec (Savage Worlds), and likely a couple of others depending on a few other factors, mostly time. D&D and Numenera are high on the list.
There is an ongoing kickstarter with a few days left for those interested in getting a bit of a deal on pricing and swag. There are still stretch goals to meet.
Star Wars Wednesday - Force Friday Started Wednesday
Star Wars Wednesday - Acing the Holidays

The Last Parsec Kickstarter Launch
The Last Parsec Savage Worlds RPG setting kickstarter took off to a fantastic start yesterday. It funded in an hour. It is blazing thru stretch goals, which is great because at the 40k level, the backers get my adventure, Pranac Pursuit. The setting is sci-fi exploration, partly inspired in style by the old Star Frontiers RPG. Jump in to Jumpcorp today!
Lady Sabre KS Digital Books Going Out
I've just become aware that the Lady Sabre Kickstarter books are going out in digital form to backers. I hope everyone enjoys them. My contributions are:
The Map - the mysterious document for which Volume 1 is named. This is actually shown within the comic itself in a very large panel. This also makes a similar appearance online.
The world maps in the various forms and books.
The Tanitin continent map.
The Pegasus deck plans, limited in the digital package to one elevation shown as a wall paper for use on various digital devices.
For non-backers, you can catch a glimpse of the maps in the sneak peeks released earlier. There is also the proof-of-concept video I created during the map making process which was released last year.
I saw the proofs for the hardcopies awhile back, and they also looked very good.
Lady Sabre Kickstarter Reward Preview
Another sneak peak for the Lady Sabre Kickstarter rewards is now up on the Lady Sabre site (and on the KS page, for backers). Among the items are one of the HMS Pegasus deckplans I drew. There is also some concept character art from Rick Burchett and an example of the Pocket Guide designed by Eric Trautmann.
Lady Sabre - Proof of Concept Video
A few days ago, Greg Rucka posted the proof of concept video clip I created while working with him, Rick and Eric on the clockwork world atlas for the Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether kickstarter graphic novel. The video is below. It was originally shared as a backer only post to the kickstarter backers. Greg's tumblr post can be found here.
Star Wars Wednesday - Influence in Many Forms
Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether Cartographer's Craft
So, the Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether broke though the $100,000 mark, and the Cartographer's Craft stretch goal. That means the maps are a go!
But that's not all. Now the details for the Deck Plans goal have been revealed. There are 7 days to go, and if they break $120,000, I'll be drawing a really cool ship.
HMS Pegasus Deck Plans - If we achieve this Stretch Goal, Sterling Hershey will bring to life Her Ladyship's conveyance with a set of deck plans of Pegasus. Working with Rick and Greg, this will be a minimum of four sheets, detailing each deck of the ship, and potentially as many as eight, showing detail, cut-aways, and close-ups. These will be printed on high-quality paper, in a "blueprint" style, and designed to replicate the ship plans of the era. A complete set of these deck plans will be included with every copy of the book (Cloth Covers, The Style to Which She is Accustomed, and the Rare & Royal editions) as well as be included in the All Digital, All the Time package.
So, there is still time to join in. You can check out the Kickstarter here, and the comic itself here (from the beginning).
Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether KS Cartography
Just announced today, if the Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether kickstarter reaches the Cartographer's Craft stretch goal, I'll get the opportunity to create a number of maps for the book! There are 13 days to go, and a little over $9,000 to that stretch goal. Take a look and see if you'd like to join in. The kickstarter description is below:
At this level, Sterling Hershey will be commissioned to create the Map of the Known Sphere as of IV.E.890 (this is our dating convention in the series). This will be large, "flattened" map of the Lady Sabre world as it had been explored thus far. This map will be included in the Vol. I trade. Additionally, Sterling will revisit the maps seen in the series thus far (the Tanitin Frontier and the Coming Storm), giving them professional treatment that will also be reflected in the trade.
Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether is a comic written by Greg Rucka (Batman, Detective Comics, Gotham Central, Queen & Country, Whiteout, and many more) and drawn by Rick Burchett (Batman, Superman, The Justice League, The Batman and Robin Adventures and many more). Both are Eisner award winners. Eric Newsome runs the website.
What is it about? You can go read entire series so far at, and there is a bit about the comic in their own words below.
Swords are cool. People fighting with swords are cool. Airships are cool. Cowboys are cool. Pirates are cool. Clockwork men are cool. Smart, savvy, witty women are very cool. Laconic gunslingers? Totally cool. Steampunk? Frosty.
That’s what Lady Sabre & the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether is, that’s what it’s about. The adventures of the Lady Seneca Sabre and those she meets along the way as she travels the Sphere. Who she fights, who she foils, who she befriends. It’s about adventure and romance and excitement and, to paraphrase the great Zaphod Beeblebrox, “really wild things.”
And most of all, what it’s supposed to be? It’s supposed to be fun.
Some of you might remember that I also contributed and help design the map in Greg Rucka's Alpha novel. You can read my blog post about that map and process here.
I've produced maps for roleplaying game products such as, the Nebulon-B for the Star Wars RPG years ago, Super Genius Games and a non-gaming map for Click here for my online cartography portfolio. I'm also an architect and freelance writer and game designer.
Star Wars Wednesday - Musings, by others
Star Wars Wednesday - X-Winging It

The Coriolis Defect RPG Kickstarter
Earlier today, The Coriolis Defect RPG kickstarter campaign kicked off. If successful, I'll be one of the contributing writers on the project.
The Coriolis Defect is an RPG of re-history in the making. The PCs can "rewind" time briefly, altering the story by changing the past.
The Coriolis Defect is focused on thematic, narratively-driven gameplay, stories of "re-history in the making." The characters share a rare genetic anomaly, dubbed the Coriolis Defect. This anomaly allows them to briefly rewind history, offering a limited means to travel back in time.
For more on the RPG itself, see the The Coriolis Defect website.
To join in and contribute to the campaign, see The Coriolis Defect kickstarter page.