Star Wars Wednesday - The RPG Awakens

So, I finally get a post completed before Wednesday, and as punishment, it turns out that FFG announces a new beginner game last week. This week they made up for it by announcing one of my new products today, but I imagine whatever is starting up tomorrow may make me wish I waited. At least there should be something lined up for next week.

Latest gaming news first: earlier today, FFG announced the upcoming release of Star Wars Age of Rebellion RPG Forged in Battle, a sourcebook for soldiers. It's due out in the third quarter of this year so.....maybe in time for GenCon? We'll see. I'm one of the writers, and my standard statement of "and that's all I can say," applies. Also, it appears Savage Spirits is on the boat, so that's one step closer to release.

Star Wars The Force Awakens RPG Beginner Game was the big unexpected announcement for last week's May the 4th announcement. FFG has been hinting all along that there were Force Awakens products in the works, but all that had been seen or announced was the X-Wing set and expansions. This is all that has been announced thus far for The Force Awakens on the RPG side. It's also a third quarter release so maybe...GenCon? Again, we'll see.

There's a couple of interesting items at One was the aforementioned teaser for what they're calling "The Star Warsiest 7 minutes of your Wednesdays." So, I guess I'll either have competition each week, easy new material to discuss, or probably both. Someone suggested, or hoped, it might be a bit like Rebels Recon, but for all of Star Wars. You might know before even seeing this post.

Something else interesting is ILM's concept art challenge. I'm sure the entries will be crazy good.