Star Wars Wed.

Star Wars Wednesday - Age of Rebellion Release

So....missed the entire month of June. Didn't really plan it that way, just sort of happened for a different reason each week. Well, a lot has happened in the meantime and this week, well, this arrived today.

So I can talk about it. Actually, I already have. One of the items I should have posted over the past few weeks was my designer's diary entry on the Fantasy Flight Games site. It covers a bit about the Galaxy and the Rebellion. I'll have more to share on that later (Future topic! Only a 10% chance I'll forget I ever said it...). 

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Star Wars Wednesday - A long time ago, in a theatre rather far away

May 25th was, of course, the release date for Star Wars. Among those who were reminiscing this week was one who posted a newspaper ad from his home town...which received the movie several months after opening. That got me thinking about seeing Star Wars for the first time. I've tried in the past to try to pin down, more or less, when I went to see it. With the help of the rabbit hole that is the internet plus myself and others' hazy memories, I thought I'd take another shot....
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Star Wars Wednesday - GoldenGeek Award Nominations

Depending how you look at it, today's post is either really late from last week, or a bit early for this week. We'll see if I post anything tomorrow.

Very early today, / / announced the nominations for their 2013 Golden Geek Awards. Star Wars in its various game forms received a large number of nominations, including two of my products, Beyond the Rim for RPG Best Supplement and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire for RPG Game of the Year. Some categories feature more than one Star Wars game. Congratulations to FFG and their freelancers! A lot of great RPGs and board games came out last year, so there's a lot of competition.

                       Voting is now open (update: login and BBG Supporter membership required).

Here is the complete Star Wars nomination list:

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