Star Wars Wednesday - Holiday Star Wars

No, not the special which shall not be named. Here's some Star Wars holiday stuff and a bit more fun you may or may not have seen...

First, for the RPG fans, there is the latest Edge of the Empire release just in time for presents - Enter the Unknown, the Explorer's Handbook.

Next, how to make some really cool Star Wars snowflakes. Some of this has been around for years, but this selection is particularly varied and intricate. You can download templates, and there is a video.

Lucasfilm holiday cards are somewhat legendary for their fun and creativity over the years. I was fortunate enough to receive one a few years ago. Here is this year's version:




Here is a little Star Wars RPG humor from Aaron Williams' Full Frontal Nerdity comic.

Star Wars Bohemian Rhapsody has been making the rounds. It's better than I thought it would be, with some nice nods to different elements of Star Wars, including video games, comics and the EU.

For those local the KC area, the Missouri Mavericks hockey team is hosting a Star Wars night on Dec. 20. Details are here, tickets are here - but you will probably want to call instead. I don't know why they don't have it featured on their website, but I hear from several sources it is happening.

And one last bit of self promotion...Lady Sabre posted a sneak peek of the proofs for their kickstarter books. Among the items are several of the maps and deck plans I created for the project are visible. I've seen the proofs, and they look really nice.