Star Wars Wednesday - The Hits Just Keep on Coming

It has been another amazing week for Star Wars, and with today's announcement, things aren't slowing down anytime soon in a galaxy far, far away.

The big news today: confirmation that there will be individual movies not in the Episode numbered series, with great news that Lawrence Kasdan (TESB) and others are working on them. More at

The big event on Saturday was the airing of The Clone Wars episode The Lawless. You can see it here if you haven't already. It's dramatic, has a lot of important stuff going on, and it's fun. It also fulfils (paritally) one of my predictions for Maul. If you don't watch The Clone Wars, you should still check this one out. If you can watch the entire Darth Maul arc from this season, that will help a lot.

The other big event Saturday was the Google+ hangout with The Clone Wars cast, director and Pablo Hidalgo. If you've never been to Star Wars Celebration, or major convention panel discussion, it's a lot like this. DO NOT WATCH THIS BEFORE WATCHING THE LAWLESS, if you want to avoid major spoilers. You can watch it in its entirety here. It is entertaining, and I hope they do others in the future.

As a reminder, you can also find me on google+ (though I don't post too often). Other reminders: I have a facebook fan page (where I post a bit more often) and I'm on twitter as silverforce77 (where I tweet a lot more often).

Even more Star Wars on Saturday evening, when the Order66 podcast had Fantasy Flight Games art director Zoe Robinson on the show.