Kansas City Comic Con - Gaming Guest

Announced today, I'll be attending the new Kansas City Comic Con as a gaming guest on Friday and Saturday. KCCC is August 7-9, 2015 at Bartle Hall, downtown Kansas City. Schedules for gaming, panels, and other events will be announced before the show. Keep an eye on the web site for updates.

KCCC previously announced TSR and gaming legend Jim Ward as their first gaming guest. Jim is known for the original D&D Deities and Demigods, Gamma World RPG, Metamorphosis Alpha RPG, a long list of video games, and running TSR for a time. 

Star Wars Marvel comics writer Jason Aaron was announced as the show's first creator guest. Jason writes the best selling main Star Wars comic line. 

The show continues to announce media, creator, and other guests.

Tickets are now on sale.