
Welcome to the upgraded I finally foundsome time to switch to a more modern interface and update a few pages that were lagging behind or not all that visible on the old site. It looks like everything made the conversion without too many issues. I know there are a few missing images that I need to replace, along with all of the PDF file links (I think). Some of the lesser pages aren't live yet - like the Star Wars Miniatures scenarios list - because they need some more work.

I used the last format (squarespace v5) since 2009. This new one is v7 and much more mobile friendly. It has behind the scenes tech that makes it easier for me to keep some things updated. I've stuck to largely the same page names and types as the old version, so hopefully links back to the site won't break too often.

Here are some notable changes:

  • The front page features images of my latest and/or representative products of my freelancing work instead of going directly to the blog. If you want to skip the front page, you'll need to link your favorites/bookmarks directly to the blog page.
  • The blog page has three drop down menus on the right column, allowing one to search by category, tag, or month/date. I will eventually try to clean up the categories and tags a bit.
  • Freelance now features a couple of carousel galleries featuring my product covers and cartography projects.
  • The store is now the storefront. One of the reasons I made the switch was to improve this page and make it easier to manage. It's better, though not quite spot on. To buy items you'll need to use the "Buy at" links under the images. I call it a storefront because all of the actual purchases are at other sites. Only digital products are in the storefront. I don't currently have links to buy the physical products.
  • The cartography portfolio is easier to find and finally updated to include some of my work with the Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether products.
  • The cover gallery is easier to find and is updated for a lot of recent work, as well as a few covers I didn't track down previously.