So, a random typo and a busy, stressed out week produced this*:
Stare Wars
Darth Vader vs. Ben Kenobi
Ben: If you stare me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Luke vs. Han
Luke: I can't see a thing in this helmet.
Ben vs Luke
Ben: Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.
Chewbacca vs C-3P0
Han: Droids don't pull people's eyes out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that.
Greedo vs. Han
Han: FX: Blam!
Darth Vader vs. Admiral Motti
Vader: I find your lack of staring disturbing.
Luke vs. Emperor
Emperor: Stare me down with all of your hatred!
Yoda vs. Luke
Yoda: ::eyes closed::
Jawa vs. Ewok
Utinnii! Yub Nub! Stalemate!
Jawa vs. Ewok (Blu-Ray edition)
Ewok: [What do you mean, we blink now?! ]
*I'd be surprised if it hasn't been done elsewhere, probably better.