As expected, there was a ton of Star Wars news last week. Much of it was thanks to San Diego Comic Con, so much so that it will be interesting to see what was saved for Star Wars Celebration next month. However, a few unexpected sources cropped up as well, which made for an entertaining week.
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Star Wars Wednesday - Thunderstruck
Right, so it is probably still Wednesday somewhere. I'm even more busy than the past few busy weeks, with a work deadline last week and KC Game Fair this weekend. If you're in the area, check it out at . Now I'm behind the eight ball or death star or whatever you want to call it. So, next week will be a return to about how the con and Star Wars Saga games went.
So this week, there's this new video mashup being passed around as part of a contest:
Star Wars Wednesday - Stare Wars
So, a random typo and a busy, stressed out week produced this*:
Stare Wars
Star Wars Wednesday - Humor and Art
It's been one of those weeks where an disparate collection of news came to my attention from my inbox, twitter feed, facebook, email and somewhere else I'm likely forgetting at the moment. Anyway, I could split this up into two posts, but really, I'm just going to plunge ahead like a speederbike through the trees. BETWEEN. BETWEEN the trees.
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