A long time ago, in a meeting far, far away, George Lucas declared that Yoda's species details would remain a secret. Generally, I'm fine with that - it's a big galaxy, and it's nice to have unknown bits. We don't even know the species name. For game designers, this presented certain challenges - how do you stat out Yoda or one of the other two known members of the species?
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Thanks for checking out my blog here on April 1. To celebrate, you get Simon the Killer Ewok!
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About this time back in 2008, I sent a proposal off to Wizards addressing a clear oversight in the Saga Edition rules. Although it was surprising that the fans were not concerned about (or seemingly aware of) the omission, it was obvious to me we needed to include it to make sure that all aspects of the Saga were accurately portrayed within the game. Now, several years later, I dug out my original proposal and realized it was sorely lacking in game balance and explanation, likely due to the revolutionary changes it would have introduced to the game, plus it was early in the Saga Edition design process (for me, anyway). So, I present below, a newly updated version to add to the Force chapter of the Core Rulebook.
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Sorry for the delay today, but as usually happens, this took a bit longer than I anticipated. Today's post is once again aimed at the RPG - any version. I've been experiementing with some cartography techniques and below is the result of that effort.
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Another "inside baseball" type post regarding Saga Edition this week. However, before I get into the details of scoundrels, nobles and gamblers in the game, I have the following random comments:
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It's been one of those weeks where an disparate collection of news came to my attention from my inbox, twitter feed, facebook, email and somewhere else I'm likely forgetting at the moment. Anyway, I could split this up into two posts, but really, I'm just going to plunge ahead like a speederbike through the trees. BETWEEN. BETWEEN the trees.
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