Star Wars Wednesday - The Old Republic Begins

Well, almost. While I my early play approval came through today for Bioware's highly anticipated Star Wars MMO The Old Republic, the fact that I didn't get around to preloading the game means its still downloading. At the rate its going, I may be lucky to play during the early play period. Really, the preorder thing would have worked better for me to just get the disks in the mail, load it up and then download the updates. By the time I get them, they'll be nearly useless, unless I have to reinstall some day (which is possible).
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Star Wars Wedensday - Podcasts: Blazing Chain & Talnar's Rescue

This week's Star Wars Wednesday is a bit delayed, once again. No good reason, other than holiday prep and forgetting to post at the last minute. I have even less of an excuse, as I planned to reference my most recent appearance on the Order 66 podcast, and a live-game recording of my popular adventure Talnar's Rescue over at the Threat Detected podcast
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Star Wars Wednesday - Wookiees & Darths

This past week saw the running of the 2011 KC Game Fair. Though not as large as last year's version (nor was it expected to be, as last year was a bit unique), a lot of gamers had a good time, and a lot of money was raised for Harvesters along the way (though that isn't the focus of the con, Harvesters has been our charity of choice for years for donations raised at the con, with Toys for Tots a more recent addition).

As usual, I ran Star Wars Saga Edition a couple of times

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Star Wars Wednesday - Thunderstruck

Right, so it is probably still Wednesday somewhere. I'm even more busy than the past few busy weeks, with a work deadline last week and KC Game Fair this weekend. If you're in the area, check it out at . Now I'm behind the eight ball or death star or whatever you want to call it. So, next week will be a return to about how the con and Star Wars Saga games went.

So this week, there's this new video mashup being passed around as part of a contest:

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Star Wars Wednesday - Clone Wars Season 4 Water War

Busy weeks seem to be the order of the month. Or so. Anyway, I managed to squeeze in a viewing of the first of the new Clone Wars episodes for Season 4 this evening. Since I don't currently have any form of cable or satellite, I continue to watch via On the plus side, I can watch while on the treadmill. On the minus side, I didn't actually do that tonight. Maybe later this week when I get to the other two available episodes. I'll go ahead and throw a few comments out there on the first episode. Minor spoilers ahead.
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